I’m gay and sexually Active (TOP), and everything I wrote in the gay article completely characterizes me. I am a wolf who does not dance in a pederastic circus. The wolf is a strong agi, aggressive, and intelligent animal. There are many myths and legends about him. His pride and freedom. Its unique positive feature is that the wolf and the she-wolf form a married couple for life. 

It’s me, T@T! Nice to meet you! 

I am looking for a GAY and only a GAY! I am looking for a bottom wolf for the purpose of making a married couple! In case of danger, wolves protect each other’s throats! This is the psychology with which I want to find my wolf! 

It is strictly forbidden for pederasts to write to me. From these creatures, you can only get a knife in the back! A repeated experiment! STOP!  

  • You are 35 — 45 years old! You are GAY! You are not a PEDERAST! Read carefully what I wrote!  
  • You are well educated, monogamous, share my views on pederasty. 
  • You are looking for a relationship and are ready for it; you have time and money and are prepared to invest them in a serious relationship. 
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t use drugs.  
  • You are a bottom and feel quite good about yourself in this role, but you have masculinity in you, you have not «lost» your masculine essence, as it happened with pederasts! 
  • Sex doesn’t run your life; it’s not at the top of the list of importance. You control the dick, not HE controls you! 
  • Your family knows about you, and you have normal or neutral relationships, i.e., you don’t live in a «mask» and hurt your loved ones with lies!  
  • You can live without gay attachments, you like to be focused on one person, and you don’t share the concept of «open» relationships that Pederasts like so much. 

I don’t need a super-fit body; a healthy male physique is enough! 

I do not expect abs, «pumped up,» and other attributes of pederastic happiness!  

I want a normal, healthy male physique without excesses. Female physics and behavior in a man do not attract me, so do not write to me!  

Growth from 170 to 180, I am 175! 

I have no intention of running into bed on the first date, but for pleasant dates in a cafe or a walk around the city, I consider the partner’s physical attractiveness important! And if we are lucky enough to fall in love, it’s a thrill to wake up and hug a physically pleasing person! 


Not the fact that we even get to sex; for me, sex is the continuation of mutual feelings. And after a few successful dates, we will both decide whether we need sex or we will build just a friendly relationship without it! 

That’s about the kind of physique I like! A regular male body, no fat, and no professional fitness treatment! No steroid injections and no chemo for muscle growth! 

If this is not about your body — pass by!

If you are GAY (NOT PEDERAST!) and you are going to write me, tell me a little about yourself (education/ what you do in life/ if your family knows about you/ what your horoscope is), what you are looking for, what you expect from a partner and what you are ready to offer him, and send a clear picture! I’ll be sure to reply! Writing chats on Grinder, I don’t have the time or inclination! I usually ignore everything that is written to me in gay apps! It’s faggots looking to fuck! And I have other goals, so I don’t even answer the standard pederast questions anymore! To contact me, use Telegram! Be ready to chat by video in Telegram; meeting for 3-5 minutes will quickly show us whether it is worth continuing communication!  

There is no need to write insults and outrage about my point of view! My point of view on pederasts is just that! Why do I have a profile on this quick sex app?! Because there are no gay apps! There’s no place for us to meet! So I just watch your fag circus while you pretend I’m not here! Yes, I like to fuck men too, but in my head, everything is different, and I am different, and sex for me is a tool to create a happy family, not a race for new orgasms with as many prostitutes as possible! 

I am a professional clinical psychologist, and I understand people very quickly. If you are not who you say you are, I will soon realize it! And that will be a lockdown! 

Note: the author of the site is not trying to insult anyone, does not call for illegal actions and does not claim that all pederasts without exception are inferior, dangerous to society, etc. Some of the language contained in the text is a personal value judgmentIf you do not want to familiarize yourself with information that may be mistakenly perceived as an «insult» — refuse to read this site.

The articles on this site are intended for persons over 18 years of ageThe author of the articles is of the opinion that Men who have sex with men (MSM) are divided into two subcultures: GAY and PEDERASTThe author explains the difference between these subcultures.

The author’s target audience is Gay men. Articles are written for this audience, and may cause inadequate psycho-emotional reactions in representatives of other subcultures. The author wishes to communicate with gay men, and does not wish to communicate with pederast men. 

Who I am and who I am looking for in quick sex apps