Pederast is not a sexual orientation; it is a specific pattern of thinking, behavior, and attitude towards oneself and others. What do I mean by that?
Pederast — it can be a heterosexual man and woman or a man who prefers men, but these people are united by disrespect for themselves and the people around them!
A pederast who prefers men in sex — this is a person who usually will not admit it even to himself! He thinks that the time will come when he will get married, but in the meantime, he experiments. He lies to the people closest to him — his mother, father, brother, sister, and everyone else about what he is like! He’s ashamed to fuck a man, but the other kind of sex doesn’t suit him! And so this creature lies to himself and everyone around him all his life, and living a lie and not accepting himself is the basis of any neurosis.
Neurosis is a functional neuropsychiatric disorder that is caused by the impact of stressful and psychotraumatic factors on the body. Neurosis ends in mental illness, suicide attempts, impaired cognitive functions of the brain, and many other life-threatening things.
So, a pederast lies to the people closest to him; how can you expect him to be honest and correct with fellow gay apps like GRINDR! This is absurd! The world of pederasts is a world of lies!
Very often, pederasts are not well-educated, have high self-esteem, and have low financial coverage! But they are more rude and disrespectful towards people than people with millions of euros in their accounts!
As a rule, there is nothing to discuss with them — their world of interests and vocabulary is very scarce!
In addition, these people most often grew up in dysfunctional families — where mother and father did not love each other! A child up to 5 years old «absorbs» the behavioral patterns of parents, and if parents lived without love, such a child does not learn to love himself and other people! It turns out to be a mental invalid who can only emotionally use other people! But this person will never love anyone, and that is why his element is casual sex without obligations! Everything human alienates him — love, fidelity, honesty, loyalty, devotion, care, etc. Family between men sounds wild to him at all! To introduce his man to his family? What are you, crazy people?!
A pederast, just like a GAY, can have money and social status. The difference is that a GAY will not spend money to buy alcohol, drugs, and prostitutes! A pederast will, and will think that the more he spends on it, the more successful and significant he is!
In addition, these people most often grew up in dysfunctional families — where mother and father did not love each other! A child up to 5 years old «absorbs» the behavioral patterns of parents, and if parents lived without love, such a child does not learn to love himself and other people! It turns out to be a mental invalid who can only emotionally use other people! But this person will never love anyone, and that is why his element is casual sex without obligations! Everything human alienates him — love, fidelity, honesty, loyalty, devotion, care, etc. Family between men sounds wild to him at all! To introduce his man to his family? What are you, crazy people?!
A pederast, just like a GAY, can have money and social status. The difference is that a GAY will not spend money to buy alcohol, drugs, and prostitutes! A pederast will, and will think that the more he spends on it, the more successful and significant he is!
Unfortunately, in gay apps, pederasts are more than 96%! They are looking for sex without commitment, prostitution, scams, and deceiving themselves to «scratch» their EGO!
Gay apps have long been a graveyard of «broken hearts» and «empty souls .»A porch for sexual begging and moral ugliness!
Disposable sex for pleasure is the sole purpose of a pederast’s life. And the lack of intimacy and love is replaced by a peculiar sense of pederastic solidarity («Have a good sexual hunt, BROTHER!»).
However, sex with many casual partners carries a deadly epidemiologic threat. Almost all pederasts who engage in this lifestyle are periodically treated for STDs, and many have had to pay for the experience with their own lives or the lives of their loved ones. In addition, it almost inevitably involves a person in a criminal environment, where sexual contact or its attempt often ends in robbery, beating, and even murder.
Its psychological costs are also great — alienation, loneliness, lack of human warmth and intimacy. The greater the turnover of sexual partners, the less emotional involvement and the less chance to live an entire human life! Meanwhile, pederasts experience loneliness very acutely, but they cannot do anything to change their lives for the better!
Many pederasts do not need permanence. Their sexual activity is experimental and extensive. In their opinion, talking about permanence is just a lot of bullshit… «Sleeping with the same person all the time is boring! I, thank God, am not a freak, and I can find as many guys as I need: different bodies, different lips, different dicks — every time, a new pleasure!»
Fucking a pederast is walking through a minefield! It’s like picking up dirty and repeatedly chewed gum from the ground, putting it in your mouth, and convincing yourself that it’s delicious, healthy, and safe!
Note: the author of the site is not trying to insult anyone, does not call for illegal actions and does not claim that all pederasts without exception are inferior, dangerous to society, etc. Some of the language contained in the text is a personal value judgment.
If you do not want to familiarize yourself with information that may be mistakenly perceived as an «insult» — refuse to read this site. The articles on this site are intended for persons over 18 years of age.
The author of the articles is of the opinion that Men who have sex with men (MSM) are divided into two subcultures: GAY and PEDERAST. The author explains the difference between these subcultures. The author’s target audience is Gay men. Articles are written for this audience, and may cause inadequate psycho-emotional reactions in representatives of other subcultures. The author wishes to communicate with gay men, and does not wish to communicate with pederast men.