Mental health problems and propensity to drink alcohol in pederasts (gays do not drink alcohol!) were found to be higher than in representatives of traditional orientation.  

Canadian scientists led by Basia Pakul (Basia Pakul) from the University of British Columbia conducted a large-scale analysis of survey materials of 220 thousand Canadians. They found that among pederasts and bisexuals, the percentage of those prone to alcohol and mental health problems is higher than among heterosexuals, two and four times, respectively. The corresponding article was published in the American Journal of Public Health. 

Scientists analyzed data from the Canadian Community Health Survey, conducted from 2007 to 2012 and affecting 220,000 people, through the statistical logistic regression method. This method creates a statistical model for predicting the probability of certain events based on quantitative values of a set of attributes by fitting these values to a logistic curve. 

The scientists took as predicted events the presence of mental health problems — neuroses, anxiety, and affective disorders (depression, bipolar disorder, etc.), as well as excessive alcohol consumption. They took sexual orientation as a set of attributes, distinguishing three groups: gay and lesbian, bisexual and hetero.

As it turned out, the likelihood of becoming a victim of the disorders mentioned above varies dramatically from group to group. Thus, homosexuals, on average, exhibited about twice the frequency of such events as heterosexuals. Bisexuals were nearly four times as likely as heterosexuals to experience disorders and binge drinking for unclear reasons. 

While the scientists didn’t set out to find reasons why sex minorities were so vulnerable to the threats outlined above, when speaking to the press, they made some speculation about the reasons for the link between sexual orientation and mental health problems. 

In their opinion, it is because pederasts will experience a lot of stress associated with the daily psychological pressures of being around people: unflattering statements from colleagues, parents, and others. Stress is an essential trigger for neuroses and affective disorders. Bisexuals are in an even worse situation. They face rejection from both heterosexuals and homosexuals. 

Chemsex is a common practice among men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans people that involves the use of psychoactive substances and may allow them to enjoy sex more. Research suggests that up to 42% of MSM and trans people practice chemsex, even though the practice may be associated with increased trauma of sexual encounters and increased risk of transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. 

In chemsex, drug use is strongly associated with increased sexual liberation and the possibility of using a more comprehensive range of sexual practices. For example, 56% of respondents use drugs at least every second sexual encounter. Of these, 23% do so more than half the time and 17% use drugs in every sexual encounter. Popular chemsex drugs worldwide are methamphetamine, mephedrone, cocaine, and ketamine. These substances, except ketamine, have stimulant effects, speed up heart rate, increase blood pressure, and cause euphoria. Also, for example, methamphetamine, mephedrone, and some others increase empathy and sexual arousal. 

The majority of respondents tend to use drugs when they are about to have sex — 54%. A third of respondents (33%) use it when going to a sex party, and 16% use it when they feel sexually aroused. About a quarter of respondents are likelier to use it when they desire to celebrate and while going to a club — 26% and 25%, respectively.

18% use drugs as a reward. Only 13% of respondents say they are more likely to use drugs when drinking alcohol. About a third of respondents also use drugs in stressful situations and when feeling sad and lacking intimacy — 32% and 31%, respectively. Only 8% are more likely to use it after an argument with loved ones or partners. Almost a quarter of respondents (25%) use it when they have the urge and regardless of the circumstances. In chemsex, drugs are used either immediately before sex or during the session, most often several times, 12 depending on the substance and the duration of the session. This is why the most common chemsex drugs are psychostimulants and psychedelics, especially those with empathogenic effects.

So, alcohol and drugs are what the pederast offers himself to escape from the realities of life! It’s funny and sad that these people lie to themselves even about sex: they think they need lots of casual sex, but they can’t have it without taking drugs! THEY CAN’T GET THEIR DICK HARD! NO PLEASURE! Do you know why? Because sex is an extension of feelings, and the pederast has no love for himself or others! He’s a user and thinks he’s taken advantage of everybody. But in fact, he only destroys himself! 

Note: the author of the site is not trying to insult anyone, does not call for illegal actions and does not claim that all pederasts without exception are inferior, dangerous to society, etc. Some of the language contained in the text is a personal value judgmentIf you do not want to familiarize yourself with information that may be mistakenly perceived as an «insult» — refuse to read this site.

The articles on this site are intended for persons over 18 years of ageThe author of the articles is of the opinion that Men who have sex with men (MSM) are divided into two subcultures: GAY and PEDERAST

The author explains the difference between these subcultures. The author’s target audience is Gay men. Articles are written for this audience, and may cause inadequate psycho-emotional reactions in representatives of other subcultures. The author wishes to communicate with gay men, and does not wish to communicate with pederast men. 

Pederasts cannot and do not want to solve their life problems but easily "drown" them in alcohol and drugs ...