Pederast usually lives in 2 modes: 

  • Burning time on gay apps for quick sex, 
  • Jerking off to gay porn. 

I’ve already talked about quick sex. Now here’s a science tale about dick wanking….. 

For the CNS (central nervous system), onanism is stressful. After such an orgasm, the stress hormone prolactin rises. It’s the body’s response to the fact that the sperm has just been released. All the energy has been given. Now it’s time to recover. That’s why prolactin is released, apathy increases, and relaxation comes. Prolactin is released in large quantities as a defense reaction after stress in the form of onanism. Hence, physical and mental activity is suppressed. 

What do illiterate «doctors» tell us today? They say that joy hormones are released during orgasm, so orgasm is the best stress reliever. What are these joy hormones? Dopamine? Dopamine is a far cry from the joy hormone. Yes, it is also released in huge bursts during orgasm. It’s a sensory hormone. Orgasm is not a stress reliever. Orgasm is what forms stress! No other way. 

Also, prolactin itself goes back to normal after one orgasm after three or four days. And if you masturbate and fuck around every day? All this will lead to chronically elevated prolactin, which means gaining extra weight, pathologies of genital organs and their functions, and gynecomastia. There is a decline in sex drive, an increase in the size of the prostate, and many more things on the list…. is! That is why pederasts use drugs for sex; without them, they have no desire! That’s why they are always in search of new sexual partners — they think that a new dick or asshole will give them more vivid orgasmic sensations, but it’s a mistake! And a trap that most pederasts will never be able to get out of! 

The harm of onanism to the brain

It is worth talking about the neural pathways of the brain. A neural pathway is a stable connection that programs our behavior. These neural pathways create a person’s habits. Any action he does systematically reinforces this neural pathway, creating a habit.  

Frequent sex, onanism, and pornography are also habits. Passion for alcohol, smoking, and drugs are also habits. Research shows that the addictions that are most dangerous to humans are those addictions that:  

  • easy to get  
  • free of charge  
  • can be consumed anonymously  

Alcohol, smoking, and drugs fall under only one requirement. Sex falls under two requirements. Onanism falls under all three.  

Sex, onanism, alcohol, and nicotine cause a high dopamine surge. Sex and onanism are the highest dopamine surges. From orgasm to orgasm, the sensitivity of dopamine receptors drops. In general, dopamine is what pushes us to do things. It motivates us and inspires us. The higher its sensitivity, the more we want in this life, the happier we are, and so on. If the sensitivity of dopamine receptors drops, then motivation, aspiration, and so on will drop. The person will not be able to undertake or accomplish something. 

The harm of onanism on the hormonal system  

As we already know, the male hormonal system consists of the most important hormones: GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), testosterone, and dopamine. It is scientifically proven that ejaculation (orgasm and ejection of semen) leads to a deficiency of GnRH, which subsequently negatively affects LH and FSH, and they, in turn, begin to produce much less testosterone.  

Onanism is a phenomenon that is more harmful than sex in that it engages fantasies, which strongly excites the nervous system, brain, and dopamine. From this, the body adapts to such stress and uses up more of its internal resources, making the onanist exhausted.  

Onanism leads to the pederast: 

  • Has low testosterone levels due to low GnRH secretion, which is terrible for LH and FSH; 
  • Has a constantly agitated CNS, which depletes his body, leading to apathy. Any male image, any vulgar picture, will instantly trigger a robust process for jerking off, for it has already become a habit as an adaptation to constant orgasms;  
  • Suffers from sociophobia;  
  • Gradually becomes physically weak due to a deficiency of hormones and essential trace elements.  

One can list endlessly, for everything in the body is interconnected. It is enough to have one bad secretion of GnRH so that the male body has become incapable of everything. Each element, each component of our body, is inextricably linked to another component. By breaking one element of the chain, you will break the whole chain, which will affect not just one element but all elements at once. Onanism is the strongest means of destroying a man’s personality. 

So, in summary: 

Sex and jerking off occupy 95% of a pederast’s attention! He is always pursuing new «pleasures,» the price for which is relatively high! The medical reality of such a lifestyle is NOT ADVANTAGEABLE at all: 







Dopamine receptor sensitivity 




Highly detrimental 

Less harmful than jerking off. 

A gay man is not dependent on sex; he knows how to transform this energy into a «peaceful» direction! A pederast, on the other hand, does not know how to do it, does not want to do it, and does not even know about it due to his feeble-mindedness! I am now 99% sure that everything I have written here is a new topic for everyone who reads it! And what is a man without testosterone? Not a woman, but NOT a man! 

As I said above, casual sex and endless jerking off give destruction to the male personality in pederasts! There is no man inside! There is severe damage to the CNS, psyche, and health in general! Yes, the pederast will go to fitness, inject testosterone, and build muscles, but there is no man inside! And it doesn’t matter if he is ACTIVE in sex or if he is PASSIVE. There is NO inside man! 

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, bodybuilding — «free body culture» — gained wide popularity in Europe, especially in Germany, which popularized bodily openness as one of the conditions and as a sign of health. Athletes began to publicly display a semi-naked body that was both powerful and well-proportioned.  

The emphasized masculinized athletic body tacitly implied heterosexuality. As long as male musculature remained functional — it was built up to be used for something (to lift heavy weights, to beat an opponent, to set a record in running or swimming), it did not violate traditional norms.  

With the advent of professional bodybuilding, muscle building became an end in itself. This expands the possibilities of the male body but, at the same time, undermines the opposition of the masculine and feminine in a man. The bodybuilder is in love with his own body; his workouts are described in sexual terms (the same verb «to pump» means to pump muscles and masturbate), he lives among mirrors and does not so much «act» as «want to appear.» 

Although most bodybuilders emphasize their masculinity and heterosexuality, their pumped-up muscles are not a means of self-defense but of psychological self-defense. As John Rechy puts it, bodybuilding is like the flip side of drag: the drag queen defends herself with women’s clothing and the bodybuilder with his muscles.   

This is what a fitness pederast is in reality!  

Knowing all this, I don’t want to have a «fitness pederast» type partner! These guys sit around with a «crown on their head» on apps and think their fitness body is a dream for sex! Yes, it is for stupid pederasts, but a GAY looks at it all differently altogether! Let’s say I practice celibacy (consciously refraining from all sex and jerking off), and I do it in cycles! These cycles are at least six months since it takes about 180 days to restore the CNS (central nervous system), at least 120 days to restore the dopamine system and 72 to 90 days to restore spermatogenesis and testosterone levels! Can you do that? One hundred eighty days of no orgasm, no porn, no sex, and no jerking off?! IT’S WHAT CURES THE PSYCHE, CURES NEUROSIS, AND RESTORES A MAN’S MANHOOD! 

Note: the author of the site is not trying to insult anyone, does not call for illegal actions and does not claim that all pederasts without exception are inferior, dangerous to society, etc. Some of the language contained in the text is a personal value judgmentIf you do not want to familiarize yourself with information that may be mistakenly perceived as an «insult» — refuse to read this site.

The articles on this site are intended for persons over 18 years of age

The author of the articles is of the opinion that Men who have sex with men (MSM) are divided into two subcultures: GAY and PEDERASTThe author explains the difference between these subcultures. The author’s target audience is Gay men. Articles are written for this audience, and may cause inadequate psycho-emotional reactions in representatives of other subcultures. The author wishes to communicate with gay men, and does not wish to communicate with pederast men. 

Pederast and masturbation (wanking)