The lifestyle of a pederast forces him to be on the verge of emotional and physical exhaustion! This lifestyle always leads to neurosis — a functional neuropsychiatric disorder, which is caused by the impact of stressful and psychotraumatic factors on the body.  

The problem is that in modern society, homophobic attitudes are extreme, which, unfortunately, makes people with a non-traditional sexual orientation second-class people or even not people. Outcasts. Hence, there are a lot of problems, both for people with this type of sexual orientation and their immediate environment. A person with a homosexual orientation is isolated from society, which is very dangerous because it forces him to live in conditions of increased exposure to psycho-traumatic factors. And a life of lies?! Lying to everyone about themselves is a heavy burden! According to statistics, more than 75% of men who practice a pederastic lifestyle suffer from neurosis in mild, moderate, and severe forms. 

How to recognize neurosis

General symptoms: 

  • Frequent headaches; 
  • Feeling of heaviness in the head («cloudy head»); 
  • Feeling of feeling of being broken down (especially after sleeping); 
  • Headache of indefinite localization, dizziness; 
  • Sleep problems are observed in 40% of patients with neuroses: falling asleep takes a long time, waking up often, and sleep is not deep enough, which means that it does not bring pleasure and a feeling of rest even if it lasts long enough; 
  • Increased fatigue and decreased ability to work; 
  • General collapse of strength; 
  • Frequent malaise, which is difficult for patients to describe; 
  • Hypersensitivity to external stimuli (light, sound, etc.) 
  • Impaired appetite; 
  • Sexual dysfunction (decreased libido, premature ejaculation in men). 

Emotions and psyche: 

  • Mood swings, irritability; 
  • Obsessive thoughts; 
  • Often in a bad mood for no reason; 
  • Doubts — uncertainty in the correctness of the committed or imperfect actions contrary to logical arguments; 
  • Phobias (fears) — groundless fear of heights, open or confined spaces, crowds of people, sudden death, etc.; 
  • Frequent feelings of inner tension with a premonition of imminent disaster; 
  • Conviction of personal social maladjustment, unattractiveness, and inferiority about others; 
  • An over-exposure to criticism of oneself; 
  • Reluctance to make contact without the assurance of being liked; 
  • Avoidance of social or professional activities, connected with considerable social contacts because of fear of criticism, disapproval, and ignoring; 
  • Tendency to depressive reactions, fears, obsessive fears; 
  • Depressive memories, pessimistic views of the future, fixation on a traumatic situation; 
  • Morbid concentration on own health, a tendency to attribute illnesses to themselves for insignificant reasons; 
  • Violent emotional outbursts, followed by exhaustion; 
  • Tearfulness: the person often moves to tears.

Somatovegetative symptoms: 

  • Stuttering; 
  • Sweaty palms and other signs of irritation of the autonomic nervous system; 
  • Muscle tension and muscle pain; 
  • Muscle shudders, paresthesias, muscle twitching, «running legs» in sleep; 
  • Feeling of unsteadiness when walking; 
  • Neurotic dysfunction of the cardiovascular system: cardialgia and discomfort in the cardiac area, arterial hypertension or hypotension, rhythm disorders (extrasystole, tachycardia), pseudo-coronary syndrome, Raynaud’s syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia 
  • Respiratory disorders noted in neurosis are characterized by a feeling of shortness of breath, lump in the throat or choking, neurotic hiccups and yawning, fear of suffocation, imagined loss of respiratory automatism; 
  • Digestive disorders may include dry mouth, nausea, decreased appetite, vomiting, heartburn, flatulence, vague abdominalgia, diarrhea, constipation, esophageal coma, and dyspeptic symptoms 
  • Neurotic disorders of the urogenital system cause cystalgia, pollakiuria, itching or pain in the genital area, and enuresis;  
  • Thermoregulatory disorders result in periodic chills, hyperhidrosis, and sub-febrile fever. 
  • Dermatological problems — rashes of the type of urticaria, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis — may occur with neurosis;  
  • Cognitive disorders that often accompany neurosis include forgetfulness, impaired memory, high distractibility, inattention, inability to concentrate, affective type of thinking, and narrowing of consciousness.

Neurosis is the basis of any psychosomatic disease. Psychosomatization (the process whereby the body creates a psychosomatic illness) is the body’s defensive reaction. If no psychosomatic disease occurs, neurosis progresses toward severe mental illnesses, changing the structure of a person’s personality: manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease. Personal preservation (memory, thinking, mental adequacy) pays the price of psychosomatic suffering.  

Psychosomatic illnesses are a group of diseases with symptoms similar to the diseases of internal organs, but the causes of which are problems in the patient’s nervous system. Here is just a short list of psychosomatic diseases: 

  • Allergies 
  • Bronchial asthma; 
  • Gastroesophageal reflux; 
  • Headache and migraine; 
  • Diabetes; 
  • Coronary artery disease; 
  • Hypochondria; 
  • Colitis; 
  • Skin conditions (e.g., eczema, psoriasis); 
  • Obesity; 
  • Panic attacks; 
  • Sexual health problems; 
  • Various pains (e.g., back, neck, and abdominal pain); 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis; 
  • Sleep problems; 
  • Ulcer disease.

If you don’t treat neurosis, it creates psychosomatic illnesses or makes a person mentally insane! 

It is challenging for a man who is attracted to sex with another man to find the inner resources not to break down, both physically and mentally! As a professional psychologist and a GAY (a man who has not broken down, betrayed himself, or become a pederast!), it is evident to me what a man experiences in a life entirely of lies and social homophobia.

People who have gone through the process of self-identification without destroying their self-esteem or self-respect and who have gone through social disapproval are influential. Unfortunately, there are too few of them! No more than 3%! The rest have become pederasts, prostitutes, and neurotics! Sad but true! 

Note: the author of the site is not trying to insult anyone, does not call for illegal actions and does not claim that all pederasts without exception are inferior, dangerous to society, etc. Some of the language contained in the text is a personal value judgmentIf you do not want to familiarize yourself with information that may be mistakenly perceived as an «insult» — refuse to read this site.

The articles on this site are intended for persons over 18 years of ageThe author of the articles is of the opinion that Men who have sex with men (MSM) are divided into two subcultures: GAY and PEDERASTThe author explains the difference between these subcultures. The author’s target audience is Gay men. Articles are written for this audience, and may cause inadequate psycho-emotional reactions in representatives of other subcultures.

The author wishes to communicate with gay men, and does not wish to communicate with pederast men. 

Neurosis: the secret disease of pederasts that they don't even know about!