Grinder is analogous to a church porch, where beggars ask for attention and sex, but rarely get it! Grinder is a house of «broken» hearts and «dead» souls. Grinder is a house of PEDERASTES!
Note: the author of the site is not trying to insult anyone, does not call for illegal actions and does not claim that all pederasts without exception are inferior, dangerous to society, etc. Some of the language contained in the text is a personal value judgment. If you do not want to familiarize yourself with information that may be mistakenly perceived as an «insult» — refuse to read this site. The articles on this site are intended for persons over 18 years of age. The author of the articles is of the opinion that Men who have sex with men (MSM) are divided into two subcultures: GAY and PEDERAST. The author explains the difference between these subcultures. The author’s target audience is Gay men. Articles are written for this audience, and may cause inadequate psycho-emotional reactions in representatives of other subcultures. The author wishes to communicate with gay men, and does not wish to communicate with pederast men.